Thanks for visiting our website. There is no waiting period should you decide to arrange a marriage by proxy.
To get started;
a) Visit our main sites http://fastproxymarriagepro.com or http://marriage13.tripod.com/maa.html and familiarize yourself with our service.
b) Go to a forms site and print out the http://marriage13.tripod.com/mforms.html forms
c) complete the forms emailing or calling us if you have questions
Below you will find a list of services that we offer.
Emergency Marriage ----$1,495 (Married within 24-48 hours then shipped to the client within 3-5 business days ,
Express Marriage ---$1,395 (Completed in 24-48 hours then shipped in 7-10 busines Days,
3 Day Marriage --$1,295 (Completed in 72 hours then shipped 7 busines Days,
1 Week Marriage ---$1195 (Completed in 7 days and returned in 10 busines Days,
3 Week Marriage ---$1095 Completed in 3 weeks and returned in
30 busines Days,
Here is the process:
a) Issued and signed by a judge,
i) If mutual consenting adults, then immediate marriage
ii) If minors are involved, then parental consent is required
b) signatures certified by the court clerk,
b1) Optional ($95) - Affidavit is prepared from the court docket($95)
c) the Clerk's signature certified by the "Procuraduria", from Mexico
d) the decree translated to English by an official Judicial Interpreter,
e) the Interpreter's signature certified again by the Procuraduria, of Mexico
f) The Procuraduria's signature verified by the Consular Section of the Ministry of Foreign Relations ,
g) The Ministry's signature certified by the corresponding International Consulate (U.S. for example) or an International Law Office ,
h) Optional($495)-The complete docs are forwarded the Superior Court of California for A judge to review and certify or The State Department in cases of the INS
i) The docs are sent directly to you . This takes place in accord with the " verification of the Judges signature" with a set of formalities to comply with "International Conventions of Signature Authenticity" If you have questions please let us know. We periodically offer discounts, so when you are ready, please let us know.
International Lega Referrals, LLC 1-888-886-2779